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Dante firmware updates, an investigation

Almost all digital hardware needs sometimes a firmware update. Dante enabled hardware as well. But the Dante part needs (most of the time) a separate firmware update beside the product firmware. We checked 11 main brands, how they deal with this.

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Dante Support is an independent platform for Dante equipment and networks. We perform tests and reviews of equipment in our own Dante lab and share the results on our platform. We see a future for Dante in the recording and pro-studio environment as well as in the music instrument segment. By addressing audience-related topics we want to support the migration to a more AoIP world.

Latest tests

Dante firmware updates, an investigation

Almost all digital hardware needs sometimes a firmware update. Dante enabled hardware as well. But the Dante part needs (most of the time) a separate firmware update beside the product firmware. We checked 11 main brands, how they deal with this.
The Yamaha RUio16-D interface


This is a test about the Yamaha RUio16-D Interface. It is a USB class compliant to Dante audio interface. Found out how it sounds and works in the field.

Test: Audinate Dante AVIO AES3/EBU Adapter

The Audinate Dante AVIO AES3/EBU adapter is tested. Learn what it is. Where you can use it for. How te setup in your Dante network. If we liked it.

Test: Dante AVIO USB-C adapter

A test of the AVIO Dante to USB-C adapter made by Audinate. What is it? How do you set it up? All you need te know before buying.

Three ways to connect the Akai MPC with an external audio-interface

Three creative ways to connect the Akai MPC with an external audio interface in 2024.

Test: FocusRite RedNet AM2 Dante Interface, by Garro Wiersema

Intro What is AM2? Configuration Sound quality test Conclusion About Focusrite introduction Focusrite is a company...

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